AWAM is an Urdu word that means “Common People.” Additionally, AWAM is an acronym for the Association of Women for Awareness and Motivation. The organization emerged in 2006 and was registered with the Joint Stock Companies under the Society Act, 1860, in October 2007, as a non-governmental and non-political organization. AWAM was initially formed by ten young Christian human rights activists from low economic backgrounds, dedicated to protecting and promoting human rights, particularly for working women in the informal sector, including home-based workers and domestic workers. Over time, AWAM expanded its mandate to include religious minorities and persons with disabilities.

From the very outset, AWAM has been dedicated to educating local communities about human rights and human rights protection mechanisms and imparting information among the local communities about social protection schemes and social security benefits. The organization started by forming community groups in different localities of Faisalabad, capacitating them to communicate their issues and concerns with key authorities and political decision-makers. This effort focuses on (a) introducing new policies, (b) reforming existing laws and policies concerning women, minorities, and persons with disabilities, and (c) strengthening human rights protection mechanisms.

In this regard, the AWAM frequently arranges training workshops for capacitating the local community leaders for equipping them with skills to take advocacy initiatives to influence the authorities and political decision makers for having new laws, reforms in existing laws and policies, and introducing affirmative measures to protect and promote the rights of marginalized sections of society including working women of informal sectors including women home based and domestic workers, persons with disabilities, and religious minorities.

The AWAM has established different groups on different issues such as Women Human Rights Defender Forums (WHRDF), Association of Women Home Based and Domestic Workers, Local Advocacy Group (LAG), Minority Caucus (MC), Disability Rights Action Group (DRAG), and District Action Committee (DAC) for Social Harmony, Young Resilient Women Circle (YRWC). These groups have engaged diverse stakeholders such as human rights defenders and trade union activists, women home based and domestic workers, youth, religious clergy [Pastors and Muslim Clerics] journalists, columnists and media personnels, members of bar association, representatives of academia [including faculty members, research students], former parliamentarians, representatives of mainstream political parties, and representatives of local government office.

Gradually, AWAM has significantly enhanced its organizational structure and governance framework. The AWAM has a Governing Body consisting of seven members elected by the General Body. Additionally, AWAM has established a Young Feminists Council (YFC), comprising five members aged 18-25 from diverse fields.


The AWAM envisioned for promoting a just, peaceful and inclusive society where diversities are respected and treated equally. 


The AWAM strives to empower the disadvantaged groups particularly Women, Persons with Disabilities, and Religious Minorities by contributing towards government and civil society’s effort through adopting innovative and sustainable approaches of social mobilization, capacity building, and behavioural change communication. 


  • To strengthen the capacities of different segments of society in the context of equality of citizenship and opportunity for the recognition of the marginalized sections, i.e., women, persons with disabilities and religious minority, and bridge the gap between the mentioned groups and state-institution/authorities,
  • To take initiatives to meet the un-tackled needs and problems of women and empower them for playing their role in practical politics & policy-making regarding social issues and structures based on democratic norms and values,
  • To assist deserving women legally irrespective of race, religion, caste or creed for ensuring their access to justice, and invite the media attention to the need of emphasizing the status of the family, and highlight women’s positive image and role in community development,
  • To promote peaceful coexistence, cultural and other social activities through motivational endeavors, awareness campaigns, cultural programs, and celebration of international days.






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